Harvey is his name, which i think is just completely adorable. Harvey, its a crazy name, right? its cute tho, its an old fashioned name, and even tho he is only 35 yrs old, he is old fashioned too but hes kinky, so its cool.
he likes lingerie. and what man doesnt, its sexy, its sensual, it turns me on and it turns him on too. he works in an office, a real suit and tie type, he even has a lunch box. like any phone sex relationship our calls got more and more intense. he was confident enough to tell me what he was into, he said he had a sensual phone sex roleplay that he would love to share and play out with me. he wanted our calls to progressively get more personal and he left that up to me, so i engaged him, flirted and allowed ourselves to really develop our gfe phone sex fantasy. because every girlfriend experience phone sex relationship is unique, our relationship is no different. he told me all about his phone sex secrets and his taboo phone sex fantasies. lemme tell you, Harvey may have a geeky sounding name, but he is all stud muffin! (see i told you i would put that in the phone sex blog!!! xoxox)

i get it, some guys need to feel comfortable in order to get sexy sexy. gfe fetish makes me comfortable to, it helps breaks down the walls, it makes our time together feel special, and safe. i get that, it helps me get to know you better, to feel you, your sense of humor, your temperment, your kink.

c’mere and get to know me. i adore romance, enjoy light spanking, flirting, sensual teasing, femdomme/subfemale (yea, i like both sides of the coin, its called being a switch) and a helluva lot more. Call me and find out more about me.
AIM: LucysDelights
Yahoo: Lucy.Delight