Hey, hey fetish phone sex FREAKS -what the fuck’s goin’ ON?! Can’t sleep, huh? Yeah, I hear ya…fuck it, though…ya can sleep at work tomorrow! Tonight I want ya perverted & kinky ass hangin’ out with me, ’cause we got some taboo, phone sex roleplays to get off to, ya fuckin’ derelict! Haha, speakin’ of derelicts -I heard from “B” & this dude freakin’ rocks man, I swear it. For 30 minutes I’m guaranteed laughs, kink & perversity with him. He goes into his friends’ house & beats off on like, every fuckin’ thing she owns… hahaha, no shit! Err, that’s scat for my phone sex toilet slaves. NOTHING’S off limits (or SAFE!) from this guys’ ejaculate, hahaha. When he called me, I thought he was inside of her house; tossin’ her hamper for “fresh” a.k.a. worn & (preferably) still warm panties haha, but, he wasn’t. He hasn’t gotten a whiff in like, 5 weeks & the kinky fucka is beside himself, haahahaha. He was at her house doin’ some work for her & all he kept doin’ was checkin’ out the jeans she wore; ’cause they kept ridin’ up her fuckin’ cuntal crack. “This woman drives me CRAZY, Faith! All I could THINK about was how her pussy is resting against my semen in those jeans -I CAME IN THOSE JEANS! I couldn’t WAIT to come home & call you so now, HERE I AM… standin’ in my shorts, strokin’ my cock & talkin’ to a strange woman while thinkin’ about her..” HAHAAHAHA -that’s fuggen’ AWESOME! He was SO overly fuckin’ stimulated, that he lost his woody, hahaha. “Oh, damnit…Faith. I lost it, I’m soft. DAMN THIS WOMAN! *big sigh* Okay well, I might as well letcha go.. I’ll call ya on Sat. when I’ve got some panties for us…” I’m tellin’ ya, he rocks.
My name’s Faith & I get off BIGTIME on talkin’ with a degenerate.