Margaritas, happy hour and hot company equals a very good time for this big dick lover. And amazingly, the big dicks weren’t involved at all! The four of us were at the local Mexican place for drinks and appetizers. I’m not into Hispanic men really, but my favorite big black dick likes looking at Latina ass, so that’s cool.
Anyway, it’s me, my BFF BBC, my best female friend Lindsey, and her current cock of the month. He’s a white guy, and while I haven’t’ seen his dick, I’ve heard stories. Lindsey’s a bit of a size queen like me. Birds of a feather flock together, I guess!

Well, I wasn’t driving, but I sure wasn’t slamming them back like Lindsey was. As always happens, the conversation turned to sex. The guys are going on and on about seeing two strippers fake-play with each other on stage a few nights back. Apparently, the argument was that my guy would rather watch slightly uglier girls do nastier things, and Lindsey’s guy would rather see hotter chicks doing less.
Darlin’, I don’t have a dog in this hunt, but Lindsey started getting into it. She used to dance before having her baby, and she always made bank on her nights at the club. She’s telling them that they need to find nasty AND hot chicks, like her. The guys are egging her on, asking her to put up or shut up, and then finally Lindsey slinks down under the booth and pushes my knees apart. I didn’t expect to get some head until later, but I’ll take it when I can get it! I’m easy like Saturday morning, and my hot phone sex availability proves it!
I mean, she’s not doing it half-assed, either. She’s really going to town down there, and I can’t react from the waist up or the jig’s up. And it’s a shame too, because she hasn’t gone down on me in ages, and this bitch knows what she’s doing! The guys are laughing and toasting each other, and the waitress came back for refills at least once. Lindsey’s tiny enough that she didn’t get noticed ass up underneath the tablecloth.
And then I came, hard as anything, and she slid back up into her seat looking like the cat that ate the canary. The look in her eyes told me that the boys were going to get the equivalent of a 2 girl phone sex call , except it was going to be for real!
Check, please!
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