Panty Boy Phone Sex with Simone

I love playing with dirty panty boys and I just love panty boy phone sex. When little dick guys don’t measure up to my oh so high standards, I cover up that that little thing with sexy panties. Girly panties for a girly dick. Soft and silky panties that make you feel like a panty sissy. Rubbing your dick in those panties it’s a wonder you aren’t walking around with a wet spot showing all the time. And just fyi, wearing panties doesn’t make you gay. Liking guys makes you gay, not panties, and if you are ever in the mood, go to to find pretty much anything you want!

panty boy phone sex

Now that we have cleared that up, why aren’t you in your panties right now? You know they feel so much better than your men’s underwear. Not only that, the tight stretchy panties even make your ass look better. Win win for everyone. I know you’ll probably buy your panties online because it’s “safer”. But we both know it’s not much fun that way. Go to your favorite store and tell the sales girl you need panties for yourself. Sure you’ll be embarrassed but I know damn well your little dick is getting a boner even thinking about that. Best part of it all is you will be getting panties that fit you. Make sure they have a bit of spandex to hold everything in nice and tight.

Panty boy phone sex with me isn’t limited to just wearing panties. Are you a secret panty sniffer or panty thief? I’ve caught more than one guy stealing panties out my hamper and sniffing them too! I was friends with an apartment manager years ago and we used to watch the cameras in the laundry room at all the guys perving on girls dirty laundry – panties bras and everything! A panty lovers dream if you ask me.

If you’re a panty lover, if you have a panty fetish, or you’re a dirty panty boy, call me for panty boy phone sex – 1-888-662-6482 and ask for Simone!

Naughty Roleplay Phone Sex with Caroline

Everyone gets tired of the same old stuff, right sweetie? You know what I’m talking about – I know you do! That’s why it’s always fun to spice things up with lots of naughty roleplay phone sex, because, when you think about it, we are only limited by our imagination, so trust me, sugar – the sky is the limit!

roleplay phone sex

Oh yeah, baby, naughty roleplays are one of the best forms of phone sex! We can spend our time talking through some really hot scenarios that involve any combination of participants, and I just hope I get to be one of the players in the scene. You can have anyone you want there, put them in any position, and really let your imagination run with it. There can be all the sucking, licking, tasting, and fucking that you want, because this is your fantasy, sugar plum, so you get to direct it in whatever direction you want! I can be your naughty secretary, your commanding boss lady, or the cheating wife next door. Really, I can be anyone you want me to be, and baby, I can’t wait to see who I get to be when you call.

Even more fun about calling for naughty roleplays is that we don’t have to conform to reality in any way. We can roleplay out the most fantastic stories – things that don’t really exist in this world. We can pretend to be mythical creatures, or floating in space while we fuck in zero gravity. I can have green skin, and you can have feathers, which I’m sure you’ll use to tickle my 3 pussies. Because, you know, I can have as many pussies as you want me to have. You decide when you call 1 888 662 6482 and ask for Sweet Caroline for all of your naughty roleplay phone sex needs! <3 <3

Barely Legal Phone Sex Submissive Dani

the weatherman is saying its suppose to snow so I am one very pouty barely legal phone sex submissive right now. Yes I  know everyone else has snow and is freezing but with the snow coming I will have to put more clothes on and I dont want too. I like sitting here doing all sorts of dirty fetish fantasies and taboo role plays with you in my cute crop tops and panties. Ohhh and maybe some knee socks cause my feet get cold. But with snow coming I will have to bundle up under blankets and my jammies.

barely legal phone sex submissive

You can see why I would be upset by that right?

Wait a minute! Didnt one of you say you like to punish me when I get all pouty? I know you did! So maybe this change of weather stuff is a good thing cause that means you will call and punish your pouty barely legal phone sex submissive. Warm my bare bum up with some spankings.

Ohhh wait I am not suppose to be excited over spankings. Even if they will warm my bum up. Does this mean you will use your leather belt on me cause I was getting a bit too excited over being punished? I promise I wasnt.

I think I have made just a world of trouble for myself rights now. Best just give you the information on how to get a hold of me cause if I say any more you will be doing more than just punishing my cute bottom.

1-888-662-6482 just ask for me DANI! the adorable barely legal phone sex submissive that loves taboo punishment role plays.

Role-Play Phone Sex with Nicole

I think role-play phone sex has to be one of my favorite things in the entire world. Let’s take a few minutes and be someone else! Real life can be so boring sometimes. It’s the same thing day in and day out so I think what you need is to decide who you want us to be, where you want us to be and call me so we can get down to business. Let’s be fun, carefree and live in the moment.

role-play phone sex

I love taboo role-plays, so the more kinky and crazy you want to get, the better. I mean, if you’re going to do some role-playing, you might as well step away from the boring and vanilla fantasies you normally have, right? Let’s do something that would shock everyone in your life. Lets talk about role-plays that push the moral boundaries of what is right and what is wrong. I mean, I don’t think anything is “wrong” but there are some people who might. Luckily for you, I am not ever going to be one of those uppity people. If it’s fun and you want to do it, then you should do it.

Do you want to do a twist on a secretary role-play? There are some really fun things that you can do other than simply fucking her. Maybe she will be the one to fuck YOU. Did you ever think about that? Or maybe you want to seduce your sisters husband in THEIR bed. Maybe you want to be seduced by someone that you really should not be seduced by, if you know what I mean. There are so many fun role-play ideas and of course, I’m just scratching the surface of the basics now. I don’t wanna give away all of the fun ideas at once.

Are you ready for some kinky role-play phone sex? Call me at 1 888 662 6482 and ask to talk to Nicole.

No Taboos Phone Sex with Spencer

Fuck yeah! When I say that I want to have no taboos phone sex with you, I mean it. I don’t mean I want to talk about how you wanna fuck your co-worker or secretary. Well, I might if there’s some taboo aspect to it, but otherwise, no. I want to talk about that person you want to fuck SO badly but can’t because it would just not be right. Well, that’s the person I want to be in the roleplay we do when you call me for all kinds of taboo fun!

no taboos phone sex

I guess you could say that regular, normal stuff just doesn’t do it for me anymore. I need something a little bit more exciting to get my pussy wet and horny. I think you must feel that way too or you wouldn’t be looking for a no taboos phone sex girl like me, would you? I wanna get down and dirty together and see what kind of fun we can come up with. I bet with two dirty minds like ours, we can really come up with something nasty that will satisfy both of our naughty needs. Don’t you think? I have to tell you – my bald cunt is getting wet just thinking about all of the dirty things we are going to end up talking about.

But if you want me to come up with something for our no taboos phone sex call, I’d be more than happy to. I love coming up with scenarios that would get you in trouble if you really followed through with them. So if you’re ready to call and have some fun with a barely legal slut that’s just as naughty as you are, all you have to do is dial 1 888 662 6482 and make sure you ask the dispatcher to talk to Spencer!

barely legal phone sex with dani

hii its dani your favorite kinky barely legal phone sex girl! ok maybe not your favorite one yet if you havent called me yet but i think then you probably wanna call and find out what makes me so much fun. sure i could tell you what makes me super fun on the phone but like that would be kind of boring you know. its way more fun to find out for yourself.

barely legal phone sex

well i could tell you that i have no limits and that makes some stuff super exciting. i cant really say what exactly those are but they are usually taboo stuff. not everyone is super open minded like me so i dont wanna insult anyone. cause i was raised not to be rude.

oh and i guess i should let you know that i am not overly dommey. wait is that a word? but like i am more submissive and that makes me lots of fun for those naughty barely legal phone sex role plays. the ones where you wanna kind of teach me a lesson. but i do love pairing up with another girl to giggle and laugh at guys with small dicks.

even though i am not a domme i can be bratty! which is why i end up needing to be taught lessons. usually the lessons that require some kind of punishment like spankings. i know i shouldnt be a brat and tease men but some times i just cant help it. its just so much fun.

thats a bit about me DANI! super cute barely legal phone sex girl ready for some fun taboo role plays.  pretty much anything goes!!!!

1-888-662-6482 just ask for me dani!


Sensual Phone Sex Vixen Savannah

So your favorite sensual phone sex vixen is sitting here looking out the window trying to decide what I should blog about. Cant say one thing is coming to mind other than I wish I was out in the trails behind my house running. The weather is perfect for a run. Crisp cool with the hint of rain.

sensual phone sex vixen

So you can see how your sensual phone sex vixen is rather distracted but I am also distracted by my rather wet pussy for as I am envisioning going out for a run I am thinking it would be so fucking hot to fuck out there in the wilderness. To find some quiet place where no one will find me and my partner and just go at it.



Passionate Sex.

Oh like you havent thought about that yourself?

I know you think of me as this sensual woman who wouldnt be caught dead in the wilderness bend over a tree but that would be far from the truth. I am up for all sorts of sexual adventures private and well some what public.

Sorry not about to list them all for you in this kinky blog much rather tell you on the phone so I can listen to your reaction. The change in your breathing as you get excited over how I have teased past boyfriends in restaurants. How I have had fun with fuck buddies.

So are you getting curious?

Sure you are. Well the good news is you can reach me by calling 1-888-662-6482 just ask for Savannah. There is no limits when we talk. Anything goes!

Love for you to share you kinky sex stories as well. Perhaps you have some wildly kinky and erotic outdoor sex tales.

Anyways, my name is Savannah the sensual phone sex vixen and the number once again is 1-888-662-6482

Bratty Domme Phone Sex with Bailey

Guess who is about to be your brand new favorite bratty domme phone sex girl? That’s right, it’s ME! I have always been a little on the bratty side. I’ll have you wrapped around my finger in no time. By the time I am finished with you, there will be NOTHING you won’t do for me. If you think you will be able to say no to me, then you’re just fooling yourself.

bratty domme phone sex

I love owning a man in every way possible. First, you’re going to fall in love with my personality. You’re going to tell me you’ve fallen in love with me – you might even get obsessed with me. I’ll own your soul. And then you’ll hand over your wallet to me. Well, not literally, but you’ll be buying me anything and everything I want. You’ll be paying my bills. Owning your wallet is probably my favorite. I love getting presents and I love knowing that you will give me everything you have just to be able to talk to me and have me pay attention to you.

But one more thing I want to own is your body, but not in the way you think. I want you to lie on your back, spread your legs, and beg me to fuck you in the ass with my fat strap on. I want to pound you as hard as I can and I want you to tell me what a dirty cock slut you are while I fuck you. God, that is going to be so much fun. I’m really looking forward to that.

I think it’s time you submit to your bratty domme phone sex girl. I’m waiting for you, and I don’t like to be kept waiting. Call me at 1 888 662 6482 and ask for Bailey.

Two Girl Phone Sex Fantasy with Bree

The last few days my best friend and I have been hanging out on the deck teasing the old guy in the other building. Every day we put on some skimpy outfit that would have our mothers gasping with a “Good lord girl your not going out in that!” Trust me a few of the things I have put on I did try to wear at home when I lived there hahah. Anyways all this fucking teasing of the old dude has got me thinking. It would be awesome to do a two girl phone sex call with another bratty barely legal domme!

two girl phone sex

Ya the two of us teasing your limp loser dick to the point of you just rubbing and rubbing that wanna be chub all while we giggle and laugh at you. Sure we will do more than laugh at you cause really we are bratty fucking princess’ we will rock a two girl phone sex fantasy.

Like you could be our cheer coach and well we catch ya jerking off to the team highlight clips from our last cheer comp. Make you do all sorts of humiliating shit so we wont tell. Like dress up in our cheer panties and jerk that tiny cock.

Wait that might be a touch too taboo. You may not be a small dick loser with a fondness for jerk off instructions from two hot barely legals. Maybe your more into listening to us make out. Hell ya! There are a lot of hot girls here that I would go full on lesbo with.

Well you can see between teasing the old man across the way with my bestie and well just some taboo fantasies I think a two girl phone sex call would be awesome today!

Just ask for Bree 1-888-662-6482 tell the dispatcher you wish to do a two girl fantasy and she can set you up with another girl!

Barely Legal Phone Sex Babysitter Dani

Its me your favorite blond barely legal phone sex babysitter. Wanna know what I was thinking about today. Was thinking how much fun I was having sitting out front my apartment building in my bikini top and jean cut off shorts teasing all the old men.

barely legal phone sex babysitter

Then it got me wondering how many of the old guys I teased when I was babysitting in the summer cause I pretty much wore stuff like this when i went to babysit all the time.

Do you think those guys ended up calling for barely legal phone sex girls and doing taboo babysitter fantasies with them?

Be kind of funny isnt it that now I am doing babysitter role plays with guys who get turned on by their tiny titty barely legal babysitters. Some times when I am doing a phone sex call like that I think back to a few of the guys I babysat for and well it makes the role play that much hotter.

Cause there was a few of them I really wish I had the nerve to suck their cocks when they gave me a ride home. I was a bit too shy to do anything.

Know what I found out just the other day? That older guys like shy girls. Well maybe not all older guys but some really like it when your shy and play with your pig tails and giggle lots.

Are you that kind of guy? Do you like your barely legal phone sex girls to be shy and giggle lots? Cause if you do then I am the girl for you!

OH and I also have a younger sounding voice. Some REALLY like that!

I am off to sit on my balcony and enjoy the sun but my phone is right next to me so you can call and I can be your naughty barely legal phone sex babysitter. 1-888-662-6482 just ask for DANI!

Horny Phone Sex MILF Porscha

Do you live next door to one hot and sexy MILF?

Someone who gets your mind wondering on what they would be like in bed?

Oh you cant tell me that over the years you havent run into one of those MILFs. For I think near every one of my neighbors have looked at me like that. Mind you it might help that I am that mature woman who walks in their backyard with nothing more than a bikini top and some daisy duke shorts. Those are still a thing right?

phone sex milf

Well they are in my yard. See this sexy phone sex MILF cant help herself both on and off the phone. I want to tease the men with my big breasts. Make them wonder what it would be like to have my long legs wrap around their bodies while clawing their backs. Ok so most the time leaving a mark isnt possible but in a kinky role play over the phone anything most certainly goes.

So do you have a kinky fantasy that would benefit from a hot and horny phone sex MILF?

Cause I am eager and oh so horny to help you get off with some wild erotic fantasy tonight. Could be a little you come over to introduce yourself as the new neighbor and I give you a real good welcoming. Do want to show how warm the neighborhood is and my pussy.

Now I have no taboos so that means we can get even dirtier on the phone. Just ask for Porscha when you call 1-888-662-6482.

Tranny Phone Sex with Whisper

Are you shocked when I said I was a tranny? The look on your face has me believing you wished it was some wild April Fools Day joke.

tranny phone sex

Well I enjoy that sound on the phone when you ask me if I really am a tranny phone sex operator. Seems that even my voice is rather passible too. Course there is no denying how aroused you are finally getting to talk to a sexy and sultry shemale like myself.

Yes I know you have long to find out what it would be like to mess around with a lady with a dick. Now could be your time to up your fantasies just a notch by talking to a special lady like myself.

Every desire that has you stroking your cock or should I say your inner most desires that have you wishing you were stroking my cock. All 8 inches of my perfectly thick, cum filled dick.

Oh did that just get you licking your lips?

I sensirely hope so for I would love to have someone like you wrap your lips around my raging erection. Don’t tell me you haven’t let it cross you r mind. To have a tranny dick slip pass your lips?

Oh there it is that smile that tells me you are eager to enjoy some oral gratification during our tranny phone sex call.

Well let me give you the number to reach me and then you can give this sexy tranny phone sex operator a call. 1-888-662-6482 just ask for Whisper.



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