I had a new guy over last night. Big black cock, you know the deal. It took longer to get in the fucking house than he spent inside me. True fucking story.
So I accidentally locked myself out of the fucking apartment. Forgot my house key. This happens occasionally, especially when I’m cockdrunk and late for work. Easy fix, though. I go around the side and crawl through the window.
So the guy is teasing me and making fun and I like it. I’m all about taking him home and then can’t get in the home. Har har. But his smart ass mouth was getting the juices flowing. What can I say, I like that. This cuckold mistress doesn’t get hot for just anybody, and so far he was being a man’s man. Anyway, it all builds up to when I flash him some ass when I get halfway in the window, and I’m like, ok you little shit, I’m going to fucking tease you to hell and back before I fuck you. Because he’s pushing all the right buttons, man.
Well, I go ass over teakettle into the window because I’m like wasted, and finally unlock the front door, grab him, pull him inside and throw him up against the wall. He’s got wood. Big cock. We’re in business.
Now we’re in the bedroom and I’m on top and holding his arms down and grinding on his enormous dick. He likes it. So do I, since I am the Size Queen! I get the pants off, slide him inside and after a few strokes he’s done. I’m like WHAT THE FUCK?
I wait for the excuses and he’s like, it’s natural. He has no fucking clue, man. I’m running like a race car engine and he’s at the finish line. So I told him to wait while I go clean up. Then I call my BFFBBC and tell him to haul ass over here and I’ll explain later.
Fifteen minutes and some bullshit conversation later, the doorbell rings and I let in the gorgeous man whose cock owns me. I introduce him to Speedy McSpeedstein, and say that if he has another hour, my man will show him what to actually do for when he fucks someone else.
As in, not me.
He actually waited a good while before leaving. Can you say cuckold? He didn’t start out as a cuckold, but he sure ended up that way! LOL Anyway, I got what I needed from a trusted dependable big black dick. So it was all good.
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell the sweetie that answers that you want to talk to Quinn!
PHONE SEX SIZE QUEEN Extraordinaire!!
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