Yesterday I…

..had some awesome sex with this guy I meet downtown. I had a chocloate craving and just had to go get some fresh Godiva. I spotted this georgess man staring at me enjoying my chocolate, and made my move. In very bold Mia fashion, I walked right up to him, gave him that look that drives men CRAZY for me and asked “Want a taste?” Of coarse he was caught off guard, but tried to act smooth and suave. No more that 30 minutes later I had him back at my place and let him POUND me till I came. When I was done with him, I didnt give him my number and just said “Later”. I hardly gave him enough time to get his pants back on before I shoved him out the front door. All I needed was a fuck, not a boyfriend! I must admit his cock was very satisfying. At least 9 inches and incredibly thick. I could hardly get his head in my mouth when I warmed him up with one of my very extended blowjobs. What was his name? For the life of me I cant remember… But I know he’ll remember mine.. lol. He was afterall screaming it when I let him cum deep inside of me. Maybe Ill let him fuck me again someday if hes a lucky boy πŸ™‚

Me again

Thursday Morning here in not so sunny California! =( The weather is definitely turning into fall! Hell I think we skip fall and go straight to winter. Yes I know, a lot of you would tell me that I don’t know what winter really is. But to me 40 is freezing!! I don’t mind it when I hit Tahoe for a weekend of snowboarding, but right here at my house I want it warm and cozy. So I am working now on Tues and Thurs during the day so you all better get to calling me and keeping me warm. I don’t want to have to rely on my blankets and hot chocolate all the time. For those of you that call me in the wee hours of the morning…….. I love it, keep it coming. But I know that we have got to have some horney men during the daytime hours too. Where are you, come out and play with me.

Until then,



What a day!

Damn it was a crazy day! well actually the day was pretty chill, took a few calls this afternoon and all was great. But as the night rolled around thing definitely took a turn. Had to meet mom and daddy for dinner. One of my fav restaurants so I was excited……… But daddy’s business partner was there, as well as his wife, DAMN DAMN DAMN! I could of done without that stuck up bitch at the same table ugh! She doesn’t like me much and tries to make me look bad. HAHA, if the woman only knew of the times I have spent with her hubby. He is so hot for me and I bet thats why she is sooo hostile. Maybe she has smelled my sweet perfume on his shirts one too many times lol. What I truly wonder is if she takes a sniff of his tighty whiteys before she washes them. I bet the scent of my pussy on em would piss her off hehe. I dunno maybe she wants me too! ya never can tell. I think shes a lil too tame for me though, I mean if she had even an ounce of wild girl in her, hubby wouldn’t even have to stray because she is HOT. But looks aren’t everything. he likes the whole package. Shit if daddy came across this I would be so busted hahaha. Ohh yes so dinner, while daddy and his partner were talking all that boring business and mom and the wife were chatting about this great new cell phone blah blah……. You will never guess what I did. I am so bad and I love it. First I slipped my hand under the table and played with my tight lil pussy yummmmmm. Then I excused myself to go to the bathroom where I cleaned up my wet pink pussy with my tiny little gstring. Sat myself back down just as dinner was being set down on the table. I slid into my seat and non chalantly put my cum filled panties into daddys partners pocket. It turned me on, I could barely sit still…. Then you won’t belive what he did. OMG I wanted him right then and there. I saw him put his hand under the table for a minute or so. Then his elbow was up on the table and I saw him smell his finger and then he took a drink of his wine. Then that finger went right into his mouth. How fucking hot is that. Not as hot as what happened next! Right there during dinner while we were all eating he reached under the table and finger banged me til I came all over my chair. Oh how I wish we could of fucked right there on the table in front of daddy and the wife.

Sneaky Brianna …

My husband is clueless!
I just LOVE how he trusts me completley. When hes at work I go to work.. At being a bad little wife. yesterday I caught the neighbor boy staring at me in the window while I was on a call. We live in Chicago in a townhouse, so the houses are really close to eachother. Its hard NOT to see what your neighbor is doing unless you have your curtains closed. Well.. Brianna NEVER closes her curtains. I love to walk around naked.. and know that Im being watched. I bend over letting my pussy lips show… I know I make whoever is watching HARD and horny. I was on a call yesterday and sitting in my husbands big over stuffed chair in his office. It makes me hot getting off with other men in his office.. I love it! I had spread my legs.. was rubbing my clit and really enjoying the conversation when I noticed little neighbor boy Johnny was STARING at me in his bedroom. Johnny is 19 years old.. Just graduated high school and still living with mommy and daddy. Ive always thought little Johnny was cute. I LOVE them nice and young! Well.. I love them older, too.. But I was in a young mood yesterday. I totally put on a HOT show for him. I could see him stroking his cock while he was watching me finger fuck myself to my phone call.. ummm HOT. I loved it! I saw him cum all over his hand.. I would have loved to be over there catching it all on my tits.. And the REALLY big turn on… just a few minutes later hubby was home.. Sitting in his big over stuffed chair and reading his paper.. CLUELESS.. Had NOOO idea that I had recently been getting off with another man in his favorite chair…. LMAO! What a turn on. I love being bad!

1-800-320-9705 ext 34

Phone Sex With Miss Annabelle

Miss Annabelle here.
It’s been an amazing coupla days. New girls are going up. Cailey picked some GORGEOUS new girls to hire. I love them!

With Halloween, I dressed up like a pretty sexy little bumble bee in commemoration of the Astros. I was super cute! Loved it! Black stockings. Black and yellow corset. Black high heels. ADORABLE ADORABLE ADORABLE.

I know some of my little pets would’ve loved to have worshipped me in my gorgeous little outfit.

I’ve had some amazing calls with you boys. Phone Sex at its best.
1. My WV boy. So sexy. So sweet. You always do what I tell you to do… and you always make me feel good.

2. My hypno submissive. My voice really got ya this time didn’t it? All your senses were radiating.. very nice.

3. New friend. I was soo glad to meet you, my new friend. If only all my new friends made me feel THAT incredibly good.

4. Domme’d Daddy. It was fun topping Daddy.

gotta go do a call.. I may finish this up later.

As for last night…

Ohhh I had a fabulous time! My newest little boy toy whom I have yet to give what he wants… Took me to a show and shopping last night. I just love how I can get men to do anything I want just by giving them the right little look. I went to watertower place and got some amazing new cloths at Marshal Fields. He loved every second of me modeling the dresses for him. I swear he got a woody the second I walked out in my first little red dress. totally see thru and of corse, I never wear underware.. So I was on display for the whole store! What a turn on to have so many men staring at me and knowing they could never have me!
After that I went over to my friend Briannas place. Her husband was away and we had some serious fun time. Just the two of us, no boys allowed πŸ˜‰ She is an amazing fuck. Yes thats right, I love girls, too…
But this morning I woke up totally horny. I could have called one of my boys, but thats just to much work. So instead I brought out some of my favorite little sex toys and worked myself into an absolute frenzy! yummy.. I love a good orgasm in the morning, don’t you?

Oh yes, I’m horny!

I have decided that it is my lot in life to cater to the devious, the extremely kinky, and the bizarre fetishes. I don’t mind this, now, but I do find it strikingy funny. I want to also say that I do truly enjoy every fantasy I play out with you boys. Even when you think it may hurt me, hell, I get off on the pain.

A couple nights ago I was gagging myself for daddy, and let me tell you that scene got me so turned on I think I played with myself for an hour or so afterwards. I love playing for daddy types. I love extreme age play. I love talking about abusing young sluts, young virgins, tearing their little holes open — and this might be too kinky and extreme for you. I love it though. I can’t help it. I am a nasty, nasty slut and I like it dirty. Who can blame me though? There’s nothing like a fresh, young, bare cunt – maybe a little bit of peach fuzz… but man. It’s why I keep my own cunt bare and smooth. It feels soooooo good! mm, I’m getting wet just thinking about it!

Happy Friday!!!

WOW! Been a busy week for me. So happy its friday. First off I must say that I do love all of the wake up calls I have been getting. Whats better than getting your cock off first thing in the morning huh? Just helps you get throught the day that much quicker.

OMG- so I never even said anything at all about my camping trip. It was sooooo much fun. To go in October when its quite a bit chilly just makes you have to be more creative on ways to keep nice and warm. I am sure you could think of a few. But I’ll tell you its not at all what you are thinking. You are going to have to dig deeper, into that dark place in your mind to figure out what I did to keep warm! Actually hot! Those of you that already know shhhhhh don’t tell. They have to call just like you did to find out what a nasty whore I really am. For those of you with a weak stomach that may not be as taboo as you think, please message me first, its not everyones fantasy =) AIM:DakotaTeazesU Yahoo:DakotaPLeazesU

Anyways so its friday and its Halloween Weekend! I want to hear all about your naughty fun at those parties. What are you dressing up as? Knock on my door… say trick or treat… I’ll guarantee you’ll get both yummmmmmmm


Good Morning!!

I feel fabulous. I taught the early class this morning and those endorphins, well lets just say Miss Krissy needed a boost! Later on I’m planning on having a girls night in with a few of my old friends from highschool and two of the nutritionist from the healthclub but but but I shoudl be available earlier in the evening for you guys who want to call me up and play. If Im feeling extra naughty, which I probably will be I might even sneak away from my little girlie party and go in my room and shut the door and take some of your hot calls……would you like to fuck me while my friends are a room away….? Think about it……. *smiles*

Just a typical day ;)

Yesterday Was awesome. I just love Chicago in the fall. Now is the perfect time to just walk around and enjoy everything. One of the men I have around my little finger, took me all around watertower place today and bought me whatever my little heart desired! What a sweetheart, huh? We ate at my favorite little resturant called Orange They have some awesome food πŸ™‚ LATER tonight I’ll be having drinks with my friends and celebrating one of my friends passing his bar exam… Go KEVIN, I know youre reading this πŸ™‚ See you tonight! Until then I expect LOTS of calls from my lovley men πŸ™‚


First off, you can read all about my hot sex filled weekend in my hot phone sex blog . . . WOW Did I have fun!!

Look at all these sexy girls that have joined us too. Can I just have each of you line up in a row, and lick lick lick? :))))) I’m glad you all are here. I’ll be hanging out in our Phone Sex Chat a bit later today before I go into work, so catch me there! :))

The astros lost.

They lost. *pouts*
Someone HAS to come make me feel better. If the astros keep losing, I’ll be heartbroken. πŸ™

One highlight to today was that in the morning, I did a TON of calls. Fuckin’ ton! Ok, ok, so I only did like three, but that’s still awesome.

The first call was a wake up call this morning with one of my very sensual, loving submissives wanting to crawl up and please me. I hypnotized him into believing that it was his duty to make me orgasm over and over til I passed out… he did such a good job. I turned him into one of the most erotic submissives I’ve EVER played with.

My second guy… He was a new super hero man. I played a wonder woman type chick.. and he played Professor Dick… my nemesis. It was kinda hot to play it all up with Halloween coming.

My third guy.. my sweet sexy tease…. who loved getting fucked in the ass.. You loved it didn’t you? My strap on is the strap on of DEATH.. ahhaahah… opening asses up all the time!

I’m going to go shower then log in.


Ta ta

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