Two HOT Phone Sex Sluts Together AT LAST

OMG — So Excited!! This is my first day here at Cheap and my total HOTNESS Cameron is now in the same place as me…. I love to get it on with her….. Wanna join us? Or just call and hear us totally getting off as we get it on with each other? Can you handle two hot blondes? Check out her licking my nipple! Bet she can lick a cock GOOD TOO!!

Phone Sex Gourmet

I truly am a Phone Sex Gourmet. Since I last posted, I have left the restaurant I am at to form my own business, a Personal Chef catering service. It’s going quite well already. I’ve advertised with many hotels and resorts, and at very upscale businesses. The concept is very romantic too, I do a lot of proposal dinners and whatnot.

Other than that, I’ve been enjoying my time with you sexy men. You never seem to get enough. I’ll be around most of the night for your fucking pleasure, so please come find this juicy morsel.

Just call 1-888-662-6482 and ask for Harmony, and get phone sex just the way you want it – sexy, hot, steamy, and wonderful.

Cock-Teasing Phone Sex

I have one caller, S, who has been playing cock teasing with me. He loves it if I make him go for days — getting him right to the edge and then letting him get back to his life before we do it all over again. Like a cock-teasing roller coaster…….. best part is….. he still hasn’t cum yet….. we are still going…..

Clean House!

So ok… My mom calls me this morning and tells me that a friend of hers was looking for someone to come in a tidy up the house a bit today. Mama said I would be getting paid so since I didnt have anything else to do I figured “what the hell.. why not?” Well as Mama was giving me directions I realized that who’s house it was. Mama has a friend named Kelly. Her husband is a very popular doctor in the area. Well while I was cleaning up the kitchen I was running through my head a HOT HOT call that I had last night. And OF COURSE! I got all hot and bothered. before I knew it my hand was down in my shorts playing with my hot wet snatch! Just my luck, the good Dr came home between appointments to get some things. He walked in the kitchen to me fingerfucking myself for every thing I was worth! I was so embarrassed! But by the time it really occured to me that he was there, he had his camera out taking these naughty pictures of me! He handed me the broom and told me to make good use of it while he was snap snap snapping away, stroking his cock the whole time. OH! I have to go! But if you wanna hear how we got dirty in his nice clean kitchen give me a call! I cant wait to tell you ALL about it!




Hi there 🙂 Been a long time, huh? Well I’ve been gaming like crazy on WOW. Roika is now level 18 going on 19. Can’t wait till 20 when I get feral cat mode hehehehe

So.. Other than that I’ve been having delicious calls. I have been daddy’s little dinner treat, A sexy little sister, a cheerleader blackmailing the football coach, and a coworker crazed with lust over the new hot guy at work.

I’m so lucky to be able to play with such sexy guys and gals all the time. What I’d really love is to do a few more two girl calls and get to know some of these sexy ladies. Who’s up for it?

Lara the Phone Sex Geek

Phone Sex Elite

Hot new Phone Sex Site! Yes you have it, your phonesexaddiction has been invited to another site. No! Duh! Yes I am still going to be here too. But right now what you need to do is check out my page over there. Phone Sex Elite Its a blog phone sex site too =) Yummy Jay


Time at the Lake

So what could be better then spending a day on the boat? Oh I know, a day on the boat with Cameron! That’s right, I got to spend some super hot time with Cameron licking every inch of her hot little bod. Some guys on another boat saw us and snapped a few pics and was nice enough to give me some, so I thought I’d post one here for you to see. Now wouldn’t you love to get between two hotties like us? I know you would! So get your phone and wallet and make that call, just ask for Claire and Cameron!! We’re waiting for you 🙂



Mistress Day!!

Wanted to share and email that I got from my fag boy today about Mistress Day!

Mistress Dakota,
I have decreed July 8 as Mistress Day.
Figured I should take a random day and make it you and you kind’s holiday. So if today is day 123 that leaves 242 days left this year and figured to definitely make it happen this year. Random number on the calculator when multiplied by 242 gave 66, therefore day 189. (And even though it wasn’t out of all 365 , it was still random, because you sent this today, randomly, or…………as inspired by something higher, that Ideal Mistress, forcing her reality on the world…………) Anyway that amounts to July 8.
Aren’t mathematicians good for something?!!!
Your gaging fagboy

Check my peronal blog soon to see what I have been up to the past few weeks. My time has been consumed by sissies and faggots thats for damn sure . *winks*

My Phone Sex Morning!

I confess…

I did something naughty this morning…

I called into work! I took a “personal day” because well, I wanted one! I got up early to get ready to go to the gym and I decided to come online and see if anyone wanted to play with me and I got a few hot calls and could not resist the idea of more, so I’m here now and all for you guys! So far this AM a certain daddy and I played nice and rough! I took his credit card and went shopping with it and I had to pay him back somehow….and that somehow was becoming his little cockwhore! Then I got my toes kissed and licked and gave a hot footjob, love those! A. and I played naughty…the brother / sister way and I came really hard. Its been a very good morning 🙂

P.S. Please click here to vote for my site!

Wake Me Up Baby!!

One of my sweet callers LOVES wake up sex!!! I always end up having a GREAT DAY after my morning wake up with T — too bad he can’t do it everyday!!

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