1 888 662 6482 Maiko
Hi, Guys!
I went to my Japanese Girlfriend’s apartment last night and
Had a lot of fun!
There was no boys BUT, we talked about adult toys in U.S.A and
difference of U.S.A’s and Japan ones.
I don’t know if U.S.A. has or not, but, Adult stores in Japan sell
something for bath tub ( not a bubbles )
It’s a powder in the package and once we put that in hot bath,
Bath tub water gets so sticky and slimy like CUM and smells like CUM !
I don’t know what to call it in English.
It’s a CUM bath instead of bubble bath.
I am going to buy that !!
I’ll let you know how it feels like to take a CUM bath.
I had a very interesting call this morning when I just woke up
He let me hear he moans and stroke.
He made me so HORNY and I had to take my dildo out and played myself after the call.
There is sissy boys that want to have girls’ talk, CALL ME.
I used to talk with many many Japanese sissy boys and closet gay guys in Japanese Phone Sex line in Tokyo.
I just wonder how and what American sissy boys talk about on Phone Sex line.
It would be very fun to have a girl’s talk on Phone Sex line!
And, gay and Bi guys!
Gay and Bi guys in Japan who called to phone sex line were all closet ones.
You know, It’s VERY hard to come out in Japan.
so, They called me and we had a lot of fun!
They were so cute and my phone sex best friends!
I still keep in touch with them in Email.
I know thanksgivings in U.S.A. this Thursday and
I’m sorry to say this but, I will be very bored on America’s holiday.
Call me if you are home alone and feeling lonley.
I will make you excited and happy and make you feel wanted.
Don’t need to be depressed,
You know, I am here for your needs!
1 888 662 6482 Maiko
Love, Maiko – Your best friend, Your Lover, Your Hooker, Your Phone Sex Whoe,
Your girlfriend, Your Fantasy, Your Dream, Your Kinks,
Your Secret Friend, Your Sweet Dreams.