Mommy Karen loves when she gets a brand new phone sex abie, a pretty little adult baby who wants to please Mommy Karen.
And the best part about talking to a brand new phone sex abie?
My pretty diaper lover was not just an abie, but also a sissy abie!
Mommy Karen had so much fun with the little abie, getting sissy baby all dressed up with ruffle butt plastic panties over crinkly huggies, and lots of frilly pink dresses, and of course pretty pink knitted booties!
Many of my diaper lovers are just into the way diapers feel, more than they get into adult baby fetishes like being wheeled around in a baby carriage, warm baths in the tubby, or being read a sweet good night story.
I love to play with all of my abies and diaper lovers, and want you to let Mommy Karen know what makes you feel good!
Mommy Karen
no limits phone sex
No Limits Phone Sex Girl
If I have to jill off one more time alone, I’m going to tear my hair out! What’s a girl got to do to get someone hot and horny in the same room? Men joke that all a girl has to do is say “let’s fuck” and it happens, but jeez louise, I’m on my third orgasm SOLO, so what’s wrong with this picture? Maybe I need some no limits phone sex!
Like I don’t get enough already, but once I’ve cum twice I’m not really good for anything else, so I might as well keep going till I pass out then wake up and order Chinese. So it’s a stay in day for Shyann, but some anything goes phone sex would be awesome… having a hot horny voice on the phone while I go for my fourth or fifth… I love me body, once I’ve come once, I can have twenty, but I have to get that first one out of the way. WHICH I HAVE ALREADY DONE SHE SAID STARING AT HER TIRED HITACHI MAGIC WAND. So call me and put your voice in my ear and let me hear how you sound when you reach your peak. And I promise at the rate I’m going, you’ll hear me at mine…
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want 18 TEEN PHONE SEX with Shyann
Yahoo: shygrl1990 — AIM: shygrrl1990
Follow Me on Twitter: @ 18TeenPhoneSex
Young Phone Sex Girl
I’m a hot coed teen with a bod built for sex and a brain built for… well… sex. I’m no genius, but I know what I like, and I like making men feel good. That’s why I do no taboo phone sex.
I’m not going to lie, girls like me do exist, and I don’t just mean a young phone sex girl, but a girl who likes to get in the bed and make it rock. We don’t always broadcast ourselves, but we’re out there, and until you find one, you can test drive your game with me!
And while we’re on the subject of taboos, you probably can’t freak me out, dude. I’ve heard it all in my no limits phone sex career, and I’ve tried quite a lot in real life, so when the pressure’s on, and you’re going to go crazy if you don’t nut, call me and I’ll help you bust it.
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want 18 TEEN PHONE SEX with Shyann
Yahoo: shygrl1990 — AIM: shygrrl1990
Follow Me on Twitter: @ 18TeenPhoneSex
Cheap Phone Sex
Need a little break from reality? There is no need to be shy with me. Get comfortable , lower the lights, put me on speaker phone so your hands will be free. Have your favorite drink nearby along with some super slippery lube and a towel, you’ll need all of them. Don’t even think about being embarrassed, ask for exactly what you want, I always do. There is nothing taboo with me. Share your dirtiest desires, rough and raunchy phone sex roleplays, or we can talk about whatever you like. This is your time.Cheap phone sex, your way. Ask for Marla 1-888-662-6482
YIM: MilfMarla AIM: HotMilfMarla
Young Phone Sex Girl
I have finally found someone impervious to my feminine wiles. Yes, my amazing coed phone sex skillz do me no good with this professor. Normally, being a young phone sex girl means that any scrape I get into can be solved with my cute voice, gorgeous body, etc. etc.
But no matter what flirting I try he’s still riding me hard. And not in the good way. He probably wants me to actually learn something and become a better person along the way and all that other hallmark bullshit. It’s a fucking elective, it’s not like I fucking need it. I need to bust out some serious sexual weaponry on this dude and you’re going to help me.
I need to know from you exactly what’s going to melt this guy. I’m willing to fuck his brains out just so my GOPA doesn’t tank. So you tell me what would work best and then I’ll try this shit out and hopefully not have to do any homework ever again from this guy. Call me for some no limits phone sex and we’ll hash it out.
Yahoo & AIM: crystal18teen
I’m the best when it comes to BARELY LEGAL PHONE SEX calls!
I love no taboo phone sex, half of pleasuring a man is to please myself. The look on his face when my pussy clenches that cock with a throbbing orgasm.
I have a caller that wants mature phone sex, He loves to tie me up and fuck my throat with is fat cock, while my hands are unable to push away. My eyes water with every thrust , it just makes my pussy wetter. I love to used like a cum slut.
I want to be your next cum slut slave, when you fuck my tight milf phone sex ass as well !
call me and let me your fuck toy.
call shayla
yahoo = sexymilfshayla
hot phone sex
I know what guys think about every day, sometimes all day long — sex, sex, and more sex! You see a girl like me, and you undress me with your eyes. You picture me naked (well, I am naked here already, lol) and what my voice would sound like on our hot phone sex call — moaning your name as I cum. What sex position would you have me in? I have to admit, I do love a good doggy style fucking… you up for that? I enjoy all kinds of hot phone sex calls — teacher/student, girl next door, 18 teen phone sex, sisters best friend, girlfriend experience, mutual masturbation, two girl phone sex calls, and a whole bunch of others. Did you have a hot phone sex fantasy in mind, cause I’d love you to call me and tell me about it.
Just call 1-888-662-6482 and ask for me, Jessica!
No Limits Phone Sex Girl
Dude, I’m totally scared! Somebody banged on my door when I was doing young voice phone sex and then nothing happened ever after it! I jumped so far I told the guy on the phone I’d cum really hard LOLOL
I’m laughing now but I’m still a little wigged out. You think he’s from upstairs and wants me to tone down the no limits phone sex? Am I too loud and disturbing the neighbors? I’m still scared a little, and this is probably some drunk who just had the wrong door, but I could sure use some company. So call me, we’ll do some coed phone sex and keep each other company!
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want 18 TEEN PHONE SEX with Shyann
Yahoo: shygrl1990 — AIM: shygrrl1990
Follow Me on Twitter: @ 18TeenPhoneSex
Mutual Masturbation Phone Sex Girl
I was having a rough morning, so I take my campus break and decide to masturbate. I’ve got a free hour that I normally eat during, but I needed something to take the edge off and with a campus full of cocks, I need to make sure I got mine, rather than have him come and go, know what I mean? I’ve got some cum-n-clickers in my coed phone sex, so it’s kind of the same thing.
Anyhow I find a quiet corner and flip my skirt up. I get my hand going and truthfully I was already pretty wet, dude. I going pretty good and may even have time to grab some lunch but just as I’m in the home stretch, a couple of guys wander by and see the whole show. Apparently I was making sound like I was doing no limits phone sex or something.
Anyway, I’m not stopping for anything, and cock would just force me to switch gears so I nod at their pants and say if we’re going to race they need to step up to the starting line. They plopped down right in front of me and got their dicks out. It was a total mutual masturbation society. We watched each other jack off and like one of my superfast fetish phones sex callers, they shot so fast it timed out with my own orgasm. It was pretty hot all coming at the same time and shit, but I’m glad I didn’t fuck them. Who wants it to be over that quick???
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want 18 TEEN PHONE SEX with Shyann
Yahoo: shygrl1990 — AIM: shygrrl1990
Follow Me on Twitter: @ 18TeenPhoneSex
roleplay phone sex
R knows I’m not married but he also knows hoe much I like to role play so he came up with a hot cheating housewife scenario and called me for some hot roleplay phone sex. Ya see, he’s my hubby’s boss and isn’t happy with him right now.
He came over to talk to my hubby about his performance at work but he wasn’t home. He told me he was gonna have to fire him if he didn’t straighten up. Oh no! I was begging him to give another chance. We can’t survive without his paycheck. He got a big smile on his face and said that I could make it all alright if I just do what he wants.
He said if I will suck his cock and let him fuck me really good then he won’t fire my husband. I was real reluctant but he said that’s the only way so what else could I do? I sucked his cock so hard and deep while he was moaning and breathing heavy. He then fucked me all over the house in every single way he could. He kept making me cum and then he made me lick it off his cock before he fucked me more. Such a fun roleplay phone sex call!
I know you guys have all kinds of fantasies just swirling around in those dirty little minds of yours. Don’t keep it in, especially when I get so turned on with you. Just call Bella, the r0leplay phone sex slut to live out your secret phone sex fantasies!
1-888-662-6482 and ask for Bella
AIM and Yahoo: bellablowsyou
Young Phone Sex Girl
I totally think my house is haunted, dude. I wake up at night, and my pussy feels freshly fucked, and there’s a puddle like I squirted my shit, and I feel all relaxed and rested. Am I being ghost fucked? I’ve never had a wet dream because I don’t have a cock to begin with; I am a young phone sex girl! So I don’t know what it’s like to wake up and have cum all over the place.
At least when I’m sleeping alone, dude. You start dating somebody and you wake up fucked all the time. But seriously, my house is empty! I’ve got a ghostfucker listening in on my barely legal phone sex or some shit, and he’s getting all ghosthorny and is messing around with his ghostcock.
What am I gonna do? I got more coed phone sex to do today! He’s going to be listening and then have some ghost sex with me again. How can we get him to wake me up so I can enjoy this shit? I don’t want to sleep through my orgasms! I want to enjoy them!!! HALP!!!!!
Call 1-888-662-6482 and tell them you want 18 TEEN PHONE SEX with Shyann
Yahoo: shygrl1990 — AIM: shygrrl1990
Follow Me on Twitter: @ 18TeenPhoneSex
Sissy Boy Phone Sex
Fellow Phone Sex Deviants Hello
We all know I love someone who is into something filthy and nasty when it comes to phone sex. That goes double for sissy boy phone sex. I am not really looking for some guy pretending to dress up for a phone sex fantasy. I want a guy who is going to dive into the whole sissy boy experience. I want to know that he is full dressed up from head to toe. Some times that requires a sissy boy to jump on cam just to prove to me that he is fully ready for an anything goes phone sex call and I do mean ANYTHING!
No Taboo Phone Sex with Devon