So I got an email from a friend and it had this little cartoon with it. I LMAO so hard.

Cause all I thought about was those little boyz into humiliation phone sex. Then it made me wonder. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you? No seriously I wanna know. Ya never know I could use it against ya. Ooo! Who am I kindin. I WILL use it against ya.
So did you ever get caught stroking your little pecker in public?
What about caught being kinky?
Did someone discover your fetish? Oh now that could be funny…
Were ya caught or heard havin a wicked phone sex session? Mmmm if ya havent then I think we should work on makin that one happen.
So call in your embarrassing humiliating moments to your phonesex vixen Rachelle. I wanna laugh boyz. Uhh ohh your in trouble now my wicked little mind is sooo workin now.
Cause I may Moan 4 ya between the laughter. Maybe!
PS. I have a voice clip now. Yea! So check it out. Get a teasing sample of my young voice. But don’t just tease and deny yourself. Call me.