So yah, I’m prolly not a typical 18teen phone sex girl (: I know I don’t look like some sororityy girl or dress like I’m a wild slut er somethingg. Instead I look more innocent, even if I do like totallyy specialize in bratty phone sex! The thing is i totallyy think that my brace face look has made it easier to tease guys haha (: I mean they soo totallyy dont expect half the things I do or say to come from me! And half the time, they think that its an accident I even did em, which just makes them even more turned on (: When they realize that I reallyy do just like to tease and deny that much it soo takes it to another level. I mean seriouslyy how many men get to cum on braces?? its soo hot watching their faces when they see it, haha. Wanna try??
mandymoans91 on aim n yim ((: