Wanted to share and email that I got from my fag boy today about Mistress Day!
Mistress Dakota,
I have decreed July 8 as Mistress Day.
Figured I should take a random day and make it you and you kind’s holiday. So if today is day 123 that leaves 242 days left this year and figured to definitely make it happen this year. Random number on the calculator when multiplied by 242 gave 66, therefore day 189. (And even though it wasn’t out of all 365 , it was still random, because you sent this today, randomly, or…………as inspired by something higher, that Ideal Mistress, forcing her reality on the world…………) Anyway that amounts to July 8.
Aren’t mathematicians good for something?!!!
Your gaging fagboy
Check my peronal blog soon to see what I have been up to the past few weeks. My time has been consumed by sissies and faggots thats for damn sure . *winks*