Look at what was prettying up my Inbox when I got up today, lol.
Mistress Quinn, i found your website and all i can do is think about you cuckolding me. Forcing me to suck dick and lick other mens cum from your asshole. i just sit here every chance i get in a pair of panties and stroke my hard but useless dick. i say useless because it about 7.5 inches and good thickness and im a good looking guy with many women who would like to have me fuck them but since im too shy and play too macho i always let them get away. The thought of them being fucked by real men has come to turn me on. thats why my dick is useless and i rather wear panties and look at you pictures on the internet and jerk off because i can't handle real women. you have hypnotized me with how beautiful you are. Thank you Mistress Quinn. know that you have another sissy bitch out here.
I’m *totally* sure he saw my blog, and saw Princess Panty Boy’s humiliation blog, lol.
I wonder if he’s identifying with him??? Oh, he *totally* is, lol. They’re BOTH phone sex
sissy boys with puny, pink cocklettes and they totally shouldn’t be trying to get laid with them.
(888) 662-6482
AIM: CreamInQuinn
My COOL blog: http://creamyquinn.blogspot.com/
My HOT link: http://www.cheapphonesexxx.com/quinn.htm