Hi Guys!
Well, look who finally figured out how to blog. I must admit, all this web stuff was never my strong suit. My talents fall more in the risque department if you know what I mean. I guess if a computer had a cock, we’d be best friends by now, but no… Im stuck mumbling through on my own. Any computer geeks want to play with me? Maybe if I fuck you, your knowledge will rub off on me.
Where are my maners, I should introduce myself since this is my very first post. My name is Lyric, but knowing my name isn’t necessary. Knowing that I am wild and kinky should be the first thing you think of when you see my pictures. I love to fuck, I mean, who doesn’t? I should have been born a porn star, cause I just can’t seem to get enough of it. Men, women, toys, you all get me off. I love kinky fantasies and taboo role plays, and my favorite position, well sweetheart, that is the position you are in when you are on your knees begging to please me. A man looks so natural down there, specially… well, specially when my eyes are half closed and my hands running through your hair, while I grind against your face. (I just got wet)
Anyways…. here I am…. all alone…. no one to do… Why don’t you call me and rectify my situation… lol.