Small Penis Humiliation with Ava

You asked for it, but can you really handle it?? Most of you stupid, irrelevant sorry excuse for a man, just like to be used as a perfect example of a small penis humiliation victim of mine! But trust and believe me, that if you ask for it you are going to get it.. i know for sure i made one of my little insignificant creature, of a caller cried ! But that didn’t let me feel the least bit sorry for him in any way form or shape… i was only giving him what he paid for, after all i was at home minding my own business when he called and rudely interrupted, asking, no i mean begging me to humiliate him about his three inches of cock!!! According to him it is three inches but it is fat, i think he believes in his self that count for something, sigh… but if you really ask me, he is just another incompetent loser that god wasn’t sure if he wanted to be a male or female.

Small Penis Humiliation

How dare you call for a small penis humiliation!!! Then tell me you penis is two inches, smh… sweetheart you don’t have a penis! You have an oversized clit, like what on gods earth gave you the idea that you are a male, wait i know; I think it is the fact that you can not find your female pee hole, but am sorry to disappoint you but god just didn’t have enough time to waste on you giving you, all the necessary parts just to be another female’s little bitch… come on be realistic that is all you will ever be just a bitch to someone, who you have to pay to tell you; how useless and embarrassing you are, thinking to you are alive for a reason.

When you call for a small penis humiliation please don’t make it go to the point where i have to start questioning your existence, because if it goes there then it means that you are more than a looser.

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