I have always loved masturbation, starting from when I was a rather young girl. I found out the shower nozzle in my parents bathroom could do more than just provide a shower of water — it could make me cum so hard, I’d tremble in pleasure. Now that I’m older and on my own, I have my own shower nozzle and a wonderful husband who LOVES to watch and masturbate with me. Why masturbate alone when you can masturbate with me — it’s called mutual masturbation phone sex.
I have a few sex toys that I could use on our phonesex call. I even have a strap-on if you are into strapon phone sex. I also quite enjoy playing with another woman while you watch, and that strap-on could prove to be useful 🙂
I’d love to have a mutual masturbation phone sex session with you, and if you’d like one of my phone sex girlfriends to join us for a 3 way call, even better. It will be a very loud, orgasmic ending for all of us (big smiles!)
Call Angela 1-888-662-6482
AIM & Yahoo: Angela4Phonesex