I am sorry but you can not argue the fact that your 4 inch penis can get harder than a 12 penis and say it like its a good thing, like something to be proud of, ya know?
I think it’s cute, honest I do, “I am a grower not a shower”….bla bla bla sure, sure sweety, anything you say. But hot damn, he can eat pussy like a champ! Omg, and he has these hands, yea he plays the guitar and is a total nerd, so his fingers are like heaven. His tongue is fantastic.
But yea, his dick is in need of a total recall, like send this shit back to the manufacturer, cuz it’s broken. If I could pick him up and shake him, just to hear if anything is rattling on the inside I totally would, but how does a fit girl like me pick up a dude that is totally taller and stronger than me? Oh yea, its God’s Joke. The totally hot, studly sensitive one, the kind that you tell all of your girlfriends and mommy about…. And then when you see his dick, he is still the one you talk about, but it’s a different story now isn’t it.
Prick tease phone sex or not, you can not tease a dick into growing. Shit, you can’t even operate on something like that for an enlargement because you probably don’t have what it takes to even surgically support a bigger cock. You will forever be a sph fetish dork. You will constantly be at the mercy of humiliation phone sex, because even the phone sex tease girls don’t have much, well to tease. You can try to be convincing, but it’s not gonna get you anywhere, honest, I promise you sweety I am not lying.
I guess you could be my cuckold.
AIM: LucysDelights
YIM: Lucy.Delight