So I am sooo not one of those really mean girlss…but it doesnt mean i cant be bossyy! I giggle like, all the time! N u no what makes me giggle more thann nethingg else?? When some lil loser does exactlyy what I sayyy! Ill admit, i didntt no there was suchh a thingg as a bratty domme b4 I started phone sex…but its something ive been practicing it for much longerr!
I love whenn a guyy whimpers, especiallyy if theyre doingg it cause of somethingg i told them to do!! haha. oh n so totally dont get me startedd on beggingg. Ill totallyy have u beggingg for me to use all of my toyss on u, haha.
This lil 18teen phone princess is going to have u cryingg while I just giggle at how patheticc u r! The factt im youngg will only make it better, haha! ((:
<33 Mandyy
Findd me on AIM and YIM!! MandyMoans91