Hey guyz, listen up I wanna tell u a story hehe! This is a true story. Its about to cuties with ghetto booties lolz. Me + Honey…I just moved an Honey lives really close to me now so I have her come over and chill all the time, so cool….and she even said she would help me unpack so we were putting away stuff and we came to the box with my computer in it. We got it all set up but it wouldnt go online š so we had to call tech support and get help. The guy we finally got sounded really cute and he started asking about us, hehe…we had him on speaker phone. We told him we were in so cal and he said he was up north.
After he fixed my net connection he started askin even more about us and we told him what he look like and even that we play together sometimes lolz. He asked us to kiss and we did! Hehe, we were teasing him so bad. He wanted to know if we would take his cell number and he would take his break and “play with us” in his car! Lolz….we told him that would be fine only he had to call us at 1-888-Moan-4u2 and you guyz know what….he did!!! Mmmm…it was hotttt! He told me n Honey exactly what to do to eachother and she is so yummy! And yeah we do play together lots if you wanna call us and hear !!!
If ya think Honey n me are all double the hotness than show some luv by voting for me!!!