I was at camp, and made great friends with a girl named Felicity, and a guy named Derrick. The three of us were practically inseperable, and it was only a matter of time before we started sneaking away and “experimenting” sexually. I licked a pussy for the first time that summer, and I did all kinds of new things I’d only read about and watched in porn movies – anal, 69, my first threesome . . . Derrick was very lucky that summer getting to fuck two near 14 year olds. We were Felicity’s firsts. Derrick, like me, had been with one other person. We have kept in touch over the years, but we all live in different parts of the country so have only seen each other once (And not at the same time).
Tomorrow, I am driving up to Nashville, where I am going to be sharing a hotel suite with Felicity and Derrick for three nights. They know all about my new job (both at Hooter’s AND here at PSS/CPS), and they want to do some hot orgy calls with me – but that won’t be until Saturday and Sunday. Call me selfish, but after all this time I want them all to myself on Friday night. So that’s right, boys. If you call me Saturday or Sunday, you might get a whole earfull you didn’t normally bargain for. You could listen in on an orgy, hear me get fucked by one or both of my friends, the combinations are endless. This weekend only.
I probably wont’ be around in IM’s, so just catch me if you can :))
(crossposted to my personal blog)